Updates Released (April 21)

In the last 2 weeks we've pushed several small fixes for issues that were reported by our users, thanks! This last weekend we pushed up only a few enhancements, listed below.

We're madly working on the mobile apps so we can have them released to Android & iOS app stores for everyone to use ASAP! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out support@therms.io.

Bulletin Board

There have been some significant improvements made to the Bulletin Board module.

  • When creating a Bulletin post you can use font/text styling
  • Comment on other User comments under a Bulletin post

Patrol Routes

We've replaced "Zones" with "Patrol Routes" under the Locations module. You need to turn Patrol Routes on in your settings: https://app.therms.io/locations/settings. This feature is just an initial step in the direction of allowing patrol operations to have the ability to build their patrol routes in THERMS. For now, you'll want to get a jump start on adding all of your Patrol Routes and Locations where they belong.

In the near future we'll be adding the ability to specify what Locations are on a Patrol Route,  how many patrol visits per Location, how long the patrol officer spends on each visit and what tasks/duties are to be completed.