Why Choose a Security Guard Management Software With a Live Dashboard

Supervisors used to create plans of action on paper using pencils or pens back in the day. This process is cumbersome, time-consuming, and prone to mistakes. High-technology, user-friendly security guard software has substituted the tedious and time-consuming paper-based tracking and planning security system. An essential management instrument for firms to keep track of their security officers is the security guard management system.

The objective of security workforce management services is to assist the security officer in your security guard company, accomplish the objectives of your organization, and protect the image of the business. The demand for security services has skyrocketed in recent years, particularly during the epidemic. However, security firms now use a security workforce management system instead of a paper and pen-based system to handle it all, from assigning updates to invoicing payroll, and other tasks. You must consider your reasons for not employing security guard management software for your security companies.

Guard patrols, tour check-point devices, and GPS tracking are the typical elements that personal security operations typically look for in their guard management software. Even though all of those qualities are required, what worth are they if you can't even follow these pieces of data in real-time? Read this article to learn more about live dashboards within security guard management software.

What is a Security Guard Management Software?

A digital command center allows for tracking guard responsibilities and progress and real-time incident reporting because security guard responsibilities might range from patrolling locations to upholding order and responding quickly to threats. Managers may now keep an eye on the application of visiting limits and connection monitoring across numerous facilities and locations in addition to a guest function of management.

The operations center offers a dependable forum for security staff to update management and other important stakeholders on the issue as it develops during a crisis or emergency. The security director of operations may swiftly identify, allocate, and instruct responders to offer the appropriate help by combining information from the security guards.

Without a security guard management software, a security guard could be over or under-posted, skip or double-book hours, waste too much time modifying timetables, and incur higher overtime expenditures. A guard management system, on the other hand, can improve client happiness, save costs, help in employee scheduling, and improve efficiency.

Key Features of Software for Security Guard Management

Tracking Security Officers in Real-Time with Security Guard Management Software

Administrators are given access to an internet-based platform using security guard software solutions, which allows them to track, monitor, and report their staff members and security firms in real-time. It is made up of cutting-edge guard tour programs that perform security operations in real-time. Managers and supervisors may receive accurate guidance about every element of a guard patrol, including events and guard operations, thanks to exact real-time data. Firms can document occurrences by noting the time and date of their position, taking photos of any suspicious activity, recording every aspect, and alerting the appropriate authorities and contact details.

Improved Security Company Management Control and Monitoring

Security company management software assists managers and admins in managing, controlling, and supervising their business. This makes it simple for a manager to handle field issues throughout the day, from morning to night. The manager can view every detail regarding the working hours, presence, and trips of the security officers and workers. Using a single dashboard, managers and supervisors may rapidly send post instructions, generate reports on important data and track resources and supplies using a security guard management system.

Enhances collaboration among companies and keeps an eye on workers' productivity

The administration of the security officer facilitates quicker communication among administrators, supervisors, and the security team. But besides this, it aids HR professionals and managers in keeping track of staff productivity. It enables management and HR managers to manage security guards' or workers' performance, degrees for performance evaluations, incentive programs, and productivity audits using the data that has been acquired.

It relieves the managing staff of the burden of time-consuming processes

Software for monitoring security guards frees organizations from time-consuming tasks like answering phones and filling out paper or online documents. Security companies don't need to hire someone to answer the phone, write out reports, track employee time, or monitor absenteeism.

The Software is a Cloud-Based Structure

Security guard management software is a cloud-based (internet-based computing) program that allows you to virtually move your security guard company to any location in the world without being interrupted while working due to regional restrictions. Supervisors can examine checkpoints in various areas and store information about their tours in guard tour tracking systems. A security monitoring center can be connected in real-time, thanks to cloud-based technology.

The Software is User-Friendly

Software for managing a security team is simple to use and accessible to those with no prior computer experience. It is a net-based program that may be used on any computer or mobile device. Any small organization can also benefit from it because it is reasonably priced.

Using a Security Guard Management Solution has the Following Advantages:

Prepare in advance and oversee your frontline security guards

Utilizing cutting-edge, dynamic capabilities, guard personnel management systems will assist you in managing your front-line safety employees. Take advantage of a technological solution designed for commercial security staff, including strong incident statistics, checkpoint visits, and live incident reports.

Maintain awareness of the status of your actions

The frontline security staff will send you immediate alarms depending on the type of occurrence and its seriousness, and you can effortlessly share the findings with the rest of your organization. Using comprehensive and automatic daily task reports, you can ensure accountability throughout your security services.

Personalize it to your demands

Systems for managing the security team are consumer-friendly and adaptable to match any business security staff for business intelligence. You may gather pertinent information from your sites to thoroughly analyze your security environment and make the best decisions spontaneously.

Utilize your resources wisely

When an issue arises, it is simple to send an adequate security guard. Using the operative intelligence of the program, you will better understand your security concerns.

What is a Live Dashboard in a Security Management Software?

The action on the sites your organization is guarding is visible from all aspects, thanks to security guard management dashboards. A dashboard for security guard companies offers a visual representation and measures specific to the sector. They frequently convert complicated security information into comprehensible charts and graphs. Usually, incident management, safety and health, and accountability are included in the security dashboard. Top management may respond and optimize the effectiveness of their security agency services, thanks to the live and past data that these dashboards offer.

Live dashboards have gained popularity over the years within the security industry as big data has increased in popularity. As businesses increase their capacity to gather and combine growing amounts of data, live dashboards have been used to showcase data in real-time, giving IT administrators and other members of staff the most recent information on the number of technical, security, and organizational performance criteria.

The most crucial feature of live dashboards is that the data is time-sensitive. IT companies use special software to gather computing and user-generated information from numerous cloud storage settings, turn it into useful knowledge, and present it to people in live dashboards so that they can gain some insight and make better decisions.

Reasons Why a Live Dashboard Is Necessary for Your Security Guard Management Software

Reduce Paper Waste

The paperwork security officers write out at the completion of their shifts is replaced by a live dashboard. Officers may easily enter data into the software as events happen because all the automated reports are readily available in real-time. By doing so, human mistakes are eliminated, and time is saved, which may be put to better use.

Real-Time Incident Monitoring

You can view what occurs on the site instantly with a live dashboard. This will enable you to address any concerns as they arise right away. Furthermore, you can enhance your safety systems and practices by using the information from these instances.

Enhance Reaction Times

You can always see wherever your security personnel are, thanks to a live dashboard. In this manner, you can send the closest security to any potential event. This guarantees that accidents are handled swiftly and effectively while saving significant time and potential damage.

Make Decisions Based on Data

A time tracking dashboard provides useful information, including patrol routes, reaction times, and checkpoint devices. The estate's overall security can be enhanced with the use of this information.

Boosting Client Satisfaction

You may give your clients up-to-the-minute information about the safety of their assets by using a live dashboard. They will know their stuff is secure in this way. Additionally, they can see the worth you are offering them, which improves customer satisfaction.

Cut Expenses

Real-time security monitoring can help you avert possible problems before they cause expensive losses. Additionally, you may use the information from the real-time dashboard to increase the effectiveness of your security devices, which will result in additional potential savings.

Enhance Security Protocols

You get total visibility into ongoing physical operations thanks to a live dashboard. You can utilize this information to make your security measures more effective. Moreover, you may utilize it to find possible security system weaknesses and take action to minimize them.

Expanding Responsibility

You can always see who has been at work using a live dashboard. You could take security staff responsible for their behavior in this manner. Additionally, you may analyze the performance of security employees using the information from the dashboard and make the required adjustments.

Improving Communication

A live dashboard offers a centralized forum for communication amongst all parties with an interest in the property. In this manner, you may address any potential difficulties right away. The dashboard can also be used to communicate changes and data to everyone concerned.

Boost Operational Effectiveness

Real-time security systems allow you to spot potential problems early and take immediate action to fix them. By doing this, you can prevent interruptions to your property's regular operations. Furthermore, you may increase the effectiveness of your security devices by using the information from the live dashboard.

Who Gains From Such Dashboards?

These dashboards offer a number of clear advantages, including improved business performance, evaluating target progress, and enhanced customer engagement.

Decreasing the amount of documentation and data integration required for monitoring and accountability improves productivity and saves resources. But there are some particular advantages for the various positions in a security company, like:

  • This guard tour software allows security guards to keep an eye on their own work habits, training, and productivity.
  • Dashboards on the monitor, such as the number of occurrences, the condition of the equipment, and the work of security staff, can be used by managers to allocate resources.
  • Legal and regulatory departments rely on the results of adherence and audits, including those on occupational injury, worker insurance, and safety and health.
  • These include the number of grievances, customer audits, as well as the documents that have been sent to clients and are used by customer support.


The greatest approach to hold security personnel responsible for arriving late and delaying patrol tours is through live dashboards. It fosters transparency and raises the company's credibility. The security provider may instantly issue SOS notifications and analyses using live dashboards, keeping the security staff updated. The stress on the business is decreased because all security procedures are streamlined and computerized.

All things considered, a live dashboard can help security organizations deliver security services in accordance with client demands and needs.