We built this map so that security officers can check where they're working (ie: Apartment complex, HOA, etc.) to see if there are any reported cases of COVID-19.
Our goal is to help the private security community be aware and STAY SAFE.(If your company/operations uses for your operations you'll be able to see COVID-19 reported cases on your dashboard and be alerted if working in an area where there are reports of cases.) This map was just now published, if you're aware of any COVID-19 cases, please report them so that the private security community can be aware of these locations.
- Region map was added to the Dashboard

- When navigating through the "tabs" of a Location ("Duty" -> "Post Orders") the tab that you were last on is saved in your browser
Portal Dashboard
- Client/Portal Users can now search Reports in the Portal Reports section by keyword/text or Activity Types
- When clicking on a Record it opens in a pop-up so that you're not taken away from the current page
- Quickly view all GPS User tags for a Report on a map. Select the dropdown in the top right of a Report page/screen: