When an incident occurs, it’s the security guard’s responsibility to fill out an accurate and thorough report. Unfortunately, many security guards make the mistake of not taking this task seriously.
As a result, their reports are often full of errors, omissions, and falsehoods. This can have serious consequences for both the security guard and the company they work for. A well-written security guard incident report can be the difference between a successful outcome and a complete disaster.
We are going to discuss seven tips for writing a bulletproof security guard incident report.
What is an Incident Report?
It is a written record of what happened during an incident, as well as any subsequent findings or conclusions. An incident report has to be objective and factual, without any personal opinion or bias.
When writing an incident report, security guards should include all relevant information, such as the time, date, individuals involved, and location of the incident, as well as a description of the events that transpired. Any witnesses should be identified by name and contact information, if possible. Security guards should also document any property damage or injuries that occurred during the incident.
Incident report writing for security guards is crucial because it creates a record of the event that can be referred to in the future for analysis, investigation, or compliance audit. It also establishes accountability for the individuals who were involved or responsible for the indecent.
How to Produce Bulletproof Security Guard Incident Report

1. Security guard's report should be clear, concise, and objective
This means that the report should be free of any bias or personal opinion. The report should also be easy to read and understand.
When writing a security guard incident report, it is important to include all of the relevant facts. This includes the time, date, and location of the incident. It is also important to include a description of what happened. Be sure to include any relevant details, such as the names of any witnesses or suspects.
If there is video footage of the incident, be sure to include a link to it in the report. Photos can also be included in the report. Any evidence that can help to identify the suspect(s) should be included in the report.
It is also important to include your contact information in the report. This way, if anyone has any questions about the incident, they can contact you directly.
An incident report for security gaurd will help you report any breach of security in your organisation. Hence, security guard report writing is crucial to ensure the integrity of your organisational structure remains intact.
2. Include all pertinent information in the security guard report
Any effective security report starts with the time, date, and location of the incident, as well as a description of what happened. Be sure to include any pertinent details during incident report writing, such as the names of any witnesses or suspects. If there is video footage of the incident, be sure to include that in the report as well.
3. Security guard report should be free of grammar and spelling errors

A report with grammar and spelling errors gives the impression that the security guard is careless and unprofessional. This can reflect poorly on the company they work for, and may even lead to legal issues if the report is used as evidence in a court case.
To avoid any potential problems and make a good incident report, it's important to proofread your security guard report and run it through a spell checker before submitting it. Make sure all of your information is accurate, and take the time to fix any typos or grammatical errors. It may take a little extra time, but it's worth it to make sure you have an effective security report that is clean and error-free.
4. Make sure all names, places, and dates are accurate in the security guard report
When it comes to writing a security guard incident report, accuracy and correct word usage are key. Make sure all names, places, and dates are accurate in the report in order to avoid any confusion or ambiguity. This will help ensure that the report is taken seriously and can be used as evidence if needed.
5. Use a proper incident report format
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to security reports, but there are certain elements that should always be included in a report template, such as the time, a description of what happened, date, people involved, and location of the incident, and any witness statements.
- Be as detailed as possible. Include as many details as you can remember about the incident, even if they seem insignificant. The more information you can provide, the better.
- Get witnesses to sign off on the report. If there are any witnesses to the incident, make sure you get their contact information and have them sign off on the report. This will add credibility to your account of what happened.
- Keep it professional. An incident report is not the place to vent your frustrations or share your opinion on what happened. Stick to the facts and avoid including any personal biases or opinions in the report.
6. Follow up on every incident report
As a security guard, it is your responsibility to follow up on every incident report. This means doing a thorough investigation and documenting the results.
Follow up with additional action if necessary. If you find that there was wrongdoing, take appropriate disciplinary action. If you believe security vulnerabilities need to be addressed, make recommendations to management.
7. Keep a log of all security guard reports

As a security officer, it's important to keep a log of all incidents that you report. Therms can help you with this!
This log can be used as a reference for future reports and can help to improve the accuracy of your reports.
When keeping a log of security guard reports, be sure to include:
- The date and time of the incident
- A brief description of the incident
- The names of any witnesses
- The name of the person who filed the report
- Any relevant security footage
When to File an Incident Report?
If you witness or are involved in an incident, you should file a security incident report
as soon as possible. Be sure to include as many details as possible, including what happened, when it happened, where it happened, and who was involved. If there are any witnesses, be sure to get their contact information as well.
The Do's and Don'ts of Incident Reporting
When it comes to writing an incident report, there are certain things you should do in order to ensure that your report is accurate and complete. There are also certain things you should avoid doing in order to prevent any misunderstandings or discrepancies.
Here are some general tips to keep in mind when writing a good security report:
- Do be as detailed as possible. Include all relevant information such as dates, times, locations, and names of involved parties.
- Do use clear and concise language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that might not be understood by everyone.
- Do proofread your report before submitting it. This will help avoid any errors or inaccuracies.
- Don't make assumptions. If you're not sure about something, make a note of it in your report and follow up with the relevant party later on.
- Don't try to cover up anything. Be honest in your account of events and include all the details, even if they may be unflattering.
Final Thoughts

To conclude, following these seven tips will help you write a bulletproof security report that will be useful for investigating any incidents that occur. By taking the time to document everything accurately and thoroughly when writing incident reports, you'll be able to provide law enforcement with the information they need to solve the case.
FAQs about - Security Guard Incident Report
1. How do you write a good security incident report?
A good security incident report should be descriptive, detailed, clear, accurate, honest, and thorough. It should include the 5 Ws and an H – who, what, why, when, where, and how – and use full names and direct quotes if possible.
2. How to write a statement on an incident as a security guard?
To write a statement on a security incident: 1) Ensure your employer provides you with reporting tools. 2) Take notes. 3) Create a report header. 4) Introduce the event or incident. 5) Provide more details. 6) Use templates and forms. 7) Proofread and edit.
3. How do you write an incident report example?
An example of incident report would be like: A car hit a parked car while reversing. No injuries reported. Police were called to the scene. Remember to include Ws and H along with Date, Time, Location, etc.
4. What is a security guard incident report?
A security guard incident report is a written account of a security breach. It can be used to describe incidents involving humans, such as injuries and accidents, or other bad events like theft and criminal attacks.